The Livingroom Glass Cabinet dimensions are height 2377mm, depth 620 mm and width 1015 mm. The model consists of 8 objects namely the Shelves, Doors Upper Left, Doors Right, The Leaf, Doors Mid Left, Doors Mid Right, Glass Left, Glass Right and Shelves. The Leaf Object includes the bronze handles and the keys and keyholes. .The whole model does not need any Smoothing or subsurface Modifier only the Leaf Objects may need to be smoothened. Threfore the Leaf object is provided as a separate object for easier edting. It was modelled using Blender 2.91 and rendered with Cycles X. Texture files are PBR metallic/ Roughness workflow with Diffuse/ Base Color, Roughness, Metallic, and Normal maps. the map sizes are all 2048 x 2048. The file formats available are FBX, OBJ, glTF and ofcourse Blender which is the native format. All texture files are in JPG format.