I have a medieval gothic bookshelf to offer. It is perfect to represent books in churches or magician laboratory environments. It is kept in a gothic style with beautiful ornaments on it.
The geometry is based on quads with a few instances of triangles where fitted. The non-overlapping uwmapping was conducted based on seams applied to chosen edges.
The model is exported in .obj. and .fbx files. The .obj files include low nad high-poly versions that served for nomals baking.
All textures are 4k, including: Base Color, Roughness, Height and Normal. All the textures are packed within .blend file but also are provided in archive packages. There are two sets of textures that can be separately applied. Within the blend file there are two materials affined to each set of textures.
The model can be seen rendered in a youtube preview and in the attached images. All is rendered with EEvee.