Tomatos. Photorealistic 3d model scene.
The scene includes 12 objects of tomato conditions: TomatoFull(514verts,544faces), TomatoHalf1(496verts,523faces), TomatoHalfUP(290verts,320faces), TomatoHalfDown(290verts,320faces), TomatoQuarter(328verts,342faces), TomatoSlice1(194verts,224faces), TomatoSlice2(217verts,228aces) and 5 kind of pieces(144verts,134faces).
1 Wood Board(for background), 1 shadowcatcher plane in the Shadowcatcher collection. It is disabled for view and render.1 lamp and 1 camera
All materials are packed into the .blend file.
The scene includes: 2481verts, 2637faces, 4902tris