DescriptionDescription Swiss Roll
File Details:
Polygons: 2126848 Vertices: 1063426 Textures: Yes Textures format: PNG (Diffuse, Ambient Occlusion, normal) Textures Size: 1920 x 1080 pixel Materials: Yes Rigged: No Animated: No UV Mapped: Yes Render Engine: Vray File format: .max Important Note:
UV is non-overlapping. .max is native format. If you have any question or feedback, please comment it, thank you~~ If the format have problems, please contact us first, we can check the format correct. This model is not create for 3d printing original, STL format is export from 3ds max, if you need stl format we recommented you need to download the Max Format on you computer to exchange. The scene used the Vray light, please noted. Environment texture/HDRI texture is not included in the format. In old 3D model export format will include the background, so if you need only model need export formot native format(eg. max format), please noted. All digital products are not refundable. Please give the item rating, if you purchased them, thank you!!