Liquorice reglisse high quality model. With just the right amount of polygons to make it look soft. Ready to be subpatched, made from solid parts, after simple mesh automatic repair or boolean operations it can be 3D printed. It will accept perfectly different types of materials.
Model to scale, if your software changes the size while importing, use 20 mm or 0.78 inches long.
The model is originally made in Modo, other software may require material edits, such as plastic instead of metal to the clip tips and main rode extremes.
Includes two lowpoly versions with maps for the high polygon version.
Formats included: .lwo, .obj, .fbx, .stl, .lxo (.obj contains UV information and is an industry standard that most software can use)
Included are textures. There is a color map, specular map, normal map, and others to make it game or real time engine ready.
Includes low polygon versions for gaming or faster processing times.
Includes a .stl file for physical recreation, like 3d printing.
Includes a high subdivision version and different formats are available upon request.