An ice lolly set comprising of 5 flavours of lolly.
A rainbow lolly, a purple jelly lolly, a bitten strawberry lolly, a cherry lolly and a choc/caramel lolly.
All materials are mental ray materials. The wood is wooden texture, included in download, but should come standard with
3ds max. Rendered with mental ray. My machine is quite slow, so the main scene as is, should render about 5 minutes a
frame, if not less! The ice cream is linked to the stick with every lolly.
I've included a 'boolean piece' in the main scene, so that you can boolean out a 'bite' from any one of the flavours.
(like the strawberry lolly).
The 'Ice lolly layered' file has all of the lollies in the centre of the scene, but they are hidden via the 'layers' tab.
Unhide any lolly as you see fit.
Included a rar file with various formats. These files have no modifiers on them. (no smoothing, with pink lolly has
smoothing baked in)
Ice Lolly CG view has the lollies cascaded neatly for rendering purposes