Glass jar cookies content 08
PBR MetalRough +CORONA Technical Details: Texture Size: 8000x8000 k Textures for PBR Metallic Roughness The models are in real-
world scale, and are Intended for game/realtime/background use. They were created in 3dsmax 2017+Corona render.
Cookie Texture PBR MetalRough (Base color,normal map,Roughness,Glossiness, ) ( all in square resolutions (8000x8000 k). All objects, texture maps and materials are properly named for easy use. The models have clean topologies, and are centered to world (0,0,0).
Please note that the background scene, lights and render setup are not included in this product.
Texture resolutions: 8000x8000k
Name: Glass jar cookies content Formats: 3Ds Max 2017 +Corona +Vray render Face: 179,764 Verts: 179,840
Name: cookie Face: 4,904 Verts: 4,906
Name:Glass jar Face: 6,514 Verts: 6,518
File formats;
Max (3ds Max 2017 Corona) = materials and textures was setup
Max (3ds Max 2017 Vray) = materials and textures was setup
obj (Multi Format)
Fbx ( Multi Format ).