Logo And Brand is not real..
Updated 20.08.2023
For Embed Fbx file please contact us after purchasing.
.Baked model high poly is not included.
Units centimeters,real-world scale.
Total Polys:3194 Tris:6388 Edges:6436 Verts: 3243
All Parts are attached, * opener part does not have lower polygons.
polygonal quad model
no hidden polygons, non-overlapping uv maps & no-ngons.
Rendered in substance painter. (substance file is not included. available on demand please text)
3ds, fbx, dwg, dae and dwg exported files from max 2021 with pbr textures.
2K pbr textures sets for *unity, unreal engine and pbr metallic roughness.
.OpenGL Normal Map Format