DescriptionDescriptionPhotorealistic Continental Breakfast
Models are game ready. Fully tested in all formats included. Triangulated Mesh -MAX. Plate with food.
Orange Juice: Polygons: 33005 Verts: 16553 Cup Of Coffee: Polygons: 1798144 Verts: 899078 Croissant: Polygons: 112816 Verts: 56811 Total : Polygons: 1943920 Verts: 972382 Origins are set to asset bases and centre of the world.
File Formats included: MAX. Textures: PBR textures, PNG format, 1920 x 1080, including Color (Diffuse), Normal, Ambient Occlusion is included.
(Please note rendered thumbnail images made in V-Ray 6, and are not included in package).