Download and customize these 2 resealable food pouches, created in blender or your favorite 3D program. Beautifully showcase your product packaging and labeling designs in a professional and photorealistic style. Featuring replaceable materials and colors. The adjustable composition of the bottle and box is perfect for arrangement. You can also customize and personalize background the background image/colors and change the mood of the lighting
GeometryUnits: CentimetersPolygons:20992Vertex: 21170Triangles: 41984EDGES: 42160Ngons: 0Vertex with more than 5 edges: 0Object:
Dimension cm: 121CM X 27X160CAN BE RESIZE ABLEModel parts: 1Material count: 1XForm: YesBoxTrick: YesTextures:YESMATERIAL INCULED PBRMATERIAL FILES :YES
OBJ and FBX - PBR textures 4k .png / Base Color / Glow / Metallic / Opacity / Normal (OpenGL) / Roughnes3ds Max - PBR textures 4k .png /Diffuse / Glossiness / Specular / Normal (DirectX)