KEY POINTSThe 3D model works with any Asian-inspired dining room, kitchen, restaurant or retail scene.
The 3D model is made of two separate solid mesh objects.Modeled in Blender 4.0.1 and images rendered using the Cycles engine.Blender Model has a single colour Environment with a Filmic Color Management > High Contrast.Blender File: ChickenFeetDimSum.blend (2Mb).
Color Management > Filmic > High Contrast.Environment > Single Colour
1No x Camera4No x Lights
No animation data in all objects.No HDRINo green floor as shown in the render images.
Two materials used for the whole model.
Name: ChickenFeet, applies to both the base and lid.Includes 3No PNG textures at 2048px x 2048px
Diffuse: DCFeet-D-2K.png (inc. Alpha channel)Roughness: DCFeet-R-2K.pngNormal: DCFeet-N-2K.png
Name: CPorcelain, trim sheet applies to the bowl in the base mesh.Includes 4No PNG textures at 2048px x 2048px
Diffuse: BLUEPATTERN-D-2K.pngMetallica: BLUEPATTERN-M-2K.pngRoughness: BLUEPATTERN-R-2K.pngNormal: BLUEPATTERN-N-2K.png
MODELModel Unit Scale in Metrics in Metres.
Modelled in Blender to real-world scale.The Straw (Open and Closed) and plastic straw cover are identical for both versions.
ChickenFeetBase X 0.18m | Y 0.18m | Z 0.0901mChickenFeetLid X 0.18m | Y 0.18m | Z 0.0454m
Transform Scale of each 3D Model is set at 1,1,1.Transform Rotation set at 0,0,0 for each mesh.
OBJECT CONSTRUCTIONIncludes 2 Total Mesh Object that forms the primary 3D Model.Both objects are parented to an empty named ChickenFeetDimSum
Mesh Object 1:ChickenFeetDimSum_Base4267 Verts|4232 Faces|8464 TrisMesh Object 2:ChickenFeetDimSum_Lid858 Verts|792 Faces|1576 Tris TOTAL5125 Verts | 5024 Faces | 10040 Tris
UNITYIf the model is expected to be imported into Unity the Metallic Workflow should be used.