Still life
Vray + Corona
The file contains the folder Still Life, it contains two folders "OBJ" and "Textures + Max 2014" - In the folder "OBJ" there are Obj files of each fruit separately and the file Obj of all fruits together. - In the folder "Textures + Max 2014" there are textures and two Max files. One file with Corona materials, the other with Vray materials. Texture resolution 2048x2048 (with the exception of three textures)
Апельсин (Orange)Polys: 1 044Verts: 1 046
Половина апельсина (Orange_Half)Polys: 622Verts: 624
Груша 1 (Pear 1)Polys: 763Verts: 762
Груша 2 (Pear 2)Polys: 2 213Verts: 2 215
Авокадо (Avocado)Polys: 1 032Verts: 1 034
Лимон (Lemon)Polys: 1 048Verts: 1 050
Манго (Mango)Polys: 467Verts: 469
Ананас (PineApple)Polys: 31 901Verts: 31 860