jackfruit 3D rigged model

jackfruit 3D rigged model 3D model


Jackfruit 3D rigged model created in Autodesk Maya2018. 3D mesh and rig details: the scope of jackfruit 3D model is wide as it contains all the components of a jackfruit and rigged.

mesh Components:exo skin, endo skin (one single continuous mesh).

fruit bulbs : 1) high resolution bulb with cross section, containing envelope and seed, 2)high res bulb without cross section, & 3) low resolution bulbs.

general fibre Strands & Rack cage fibre strands.

Stalk with cross section.

textures are available in TIFF (along with layers openable inphotoshop software) and TGA in hires. - 8K image size.

it has unfolding mechanism. tools are given to unfold entire jack fruit model to show the inner components.

it has 3 types of skin options.. Blobby, Deformed, and Even Rind. each of these skin has channel attributes to create variety of shapes.

Hires fruit bulbs with cross sections, has channel attributes to open and show the seed & its envelope which has fading and hiding option. (similarly for every type of component fading and hiding option is given).

a channel attribute is provided for each skin to decrease and increase the height of thorn-like structure on exo skin.

created channel attributes for each and every component for gaining good scope of varied shapes, poses of jackfruit.

whole rig can be translated rotated and scaled.

attached a separate scene file as a complimentary, a non-rigged Latitude and Longitude section of model.

the file available in .ma format - Autodesk Maya 2018..for non-Maya users: open the file in Maya software, best in Maya 2018 or greater version, make a required pose out of jackfruit 3D rig , select the meshes then duplicate., unlock the transformations and export it to .ma, .fbx, etc.

list of attached WinRAR files:scenes folder.(attached in Main product items).

sourceimages folder1,2,3,4 & 5.

Tiff source Texture Layers_folder1 to 30.

Uploaded render images folder.

JAQQA_Maya2018_jackfruit_Jan2020.mp4(Rig tools demonstration in Maya 2018 screen shot sequence. + playblast of 3D animation using the tools.MP4 format- VLC player)

Information on real Jackfruit in general: the jack fruit named 'Chakka' in south indian language and portuguese name 'Jaqqa' is grown in surplus in southern region of india esp in Kerala. the botanical name is Artocarpus heterophyllus. it is the most sweetest fruit. a well grown jackfruit tree yields100 to 300 fruits per year. after consumption of fruits, the remains such as its fibrous strands, skins, envelope of seeds shall be used as raw materials for making carry bags, paper, threads etc. (like how remains of corns is been used as raw materials for making various products). moreover jackfruit is best replacement for meat esp pork food. those who are not able to eat meat can enjoy jackfruit dishes. it supplies vigour for sexual intercose, body building etc. it can be used in medicines to relieve from bowels related issues.

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jackfruit 3D rigged model
Royalty Free License 
jackfruit 3D rigged model
Royalty Free License 
Response 100% in 19.6h
3D Modeling
UV mapping

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Textures tga3.11 GBVersion: tgaVersion: tgaVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiffVersion: tiff
  • Other 3.11 GB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-02-02
  • Model ID#2256236
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 1,400,000
  • Vertices 800,000
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Mixed
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing