This is a 3D model of a red currant. It was scanned and prepared for photorealistic renderings, close-ups, stills, and animation. The red currant model is ready to be inserted into your scene out of the box.
The red currant model is presented as a single mesh in 3 subdivision levels: low, mid, and high. Same with raceme(branch). Meshes are quad-based. The full branch with berries polycounts are 132K, 1617K, and 6453K. The high-detail model is included in .max, .fbx, and .obj formats.
.max 2020 files come with Chaos Corona Renderer 9 shaders. Other versions have basic materials, so you must adjust them with your particular software/render engine.
17 maps are supplied with this model. Textures supplied are in JPG format and are in 2K, 4K, and 8K resolution. The texture maps include ao, diffuse, glossiness, roughness, normal, and displacement(tif). The red currant model is uvw unwrapped. 16K diffuse included.
The original file was prepared in 3ds Max 2023 with Corona 9 materials. You will receive OBJ, FBX, and MAX files(2020). If you need any other format please get in touch with me.
All preview images were rendered with Corona Renderer. You will get only the red currant, not the scenes used for preview renders. Please also consider that the preview images are the result of the post-production and the look of the red currant 3D model in your scene may differ due to the specific settings of your 3D setup. The product is ready to render out-of-the-box. Please note that the lights, cameras, and any background not described above objects are not included in the product. The model is clean and alone in the provided files, centered at the origin, and has a real-world scale.