Apples (new Version since 19.10.2023)
consisting of one apple each as highpoly and lowpoly version(SDS ready):Elstar, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith and Pinova
Scene is also included for Cinema 4D(2024.1.0) and Coronarenderer(10).
ready to use for:
Cinema 4D Version 2024.1.0 (please check: if your renderer works with your version of Cinema 4D(renders also with default materials))
Blender Cycles renderer from 3.6
Could also work with older versions, but is not tested.
HIGHPOLY: 8K Albedo (Elstar 1 texture, Golden Delicious 2 textures, Granny Smith 2 textures, Pinova 2 textures)
LOWPOLY: 8K Albedo and 8K Normal (one of each per object)
Additional formats:
If you have any questions, suggestions or need another format please contact: --->
Thank you!