This is a small soft drink Can pack it include differnt type of soft drink Can body, soft drink Can top, soft drink Can opner and boxes which can be mismatch to create your own soft drink Can modal and soft drink Can box packs.
You can mismatch models very easy just select the soft drink Can body press ( shift + s ) select cursor to selected the select soft drink Can top and soft drink Can opener which U want and again press ( shift + s ) now select selection to cursor same goes with the boxes. after soft drink Can is set to its main position add array modifier 2 time set 1 in X and 2 in Ypack contain
Please Note there are only 5 main soft drink Can body, 1 main small soft drink Can, 4 main soft drink Can tops, 2 main soft drink Can opener and other 36 modals except box modals are modified to main modalsall box modal are different
1) 5 main soft drink Can body
2) 5 small of each main soft drink Can body
3) 1 main small soft drink Can of different type
4) 4 main soft drink Can tops
5) 6 modified soft drink Can top of 1 main
6) 7 modified soft drink Can top of 2 main
7) 8 modified soft drink Can top of 3 main
8) 5 modified soft drink Can top of 4 main
9) 2 main soft drink Can opener
10) 4 modified soft drink Can opener of 1 main
11) 1 modified soft drink Can opener of 2 main
12) 7 main shape of boxes made for 6, 12 and 25 set total 21 models
13) 2 flap boxes set of 10 and 12
Note: 2 flap boxes are parented to empty object you can move empty objectonly material are added
quality of material low level
note: materials are generated in cycles render it will not be same in eevee renderthis is not a game ready modal.