High quality set of Cola-Cola (Coke) cups - textured and detailed for close-up renders.
-Created in Cinema 4D R19, all file opens without any error. -3 models of cups, 3 different textures, and all the combinations (9 ready cups) -High resolution textures -Separeted groups and objetcts: independent straws to fit any position in relation with the cups. Black liquid and cap are also separeted inside the cup group. -Final images rendered with Octane Render -Textures, Materials, Lights & Cameras are include in model file -No special plugin needed to open scene. Works with any renderer with few adjusts -Plus: animation with the two scenes on the images (straws inside and outside the cups) -Formats: .c4d, .3ds, .fbx, .obj, .dae, .stl
-Polygons (total): 51564 -Vertices (total): 34184
If you need the file in another format, contact me and I will convert.
Guarantee! No Photoshop use in views.
Hope you like it! If you need anything else you can contact me.
Thank you,
Ettore Daniel