nicely done !!!
Set of cognac with cigar.All models have unique names and materials. Set integrated into the overall group and has a zero pivot on the axes "Z" and the center of the scen.The archive file has all the texture.Brief characteristics of the elements of the set:
DecanterPoly - 67761Vert - 42248
GlassPoly - 13450Vert - 13402
TubePoly - 1710Vert - 1729
Tube_capPoly - 846Vert - 865
CigarPoly - 1533Vert - 1605
GelatinePoly - 47824Vert - 24206
AlmondsPoly - 1024Vert - 514
All Cognac_setPoly - 159192Vert - 105485
TEX size:
Almond_dif - 590 x 317Carving_on_the_crystal_decanter - 2500 x 2893Carving_on_the_crystal_glass - 2500 x 651Carving_on_the_crystal_glass_bottom - 1500 x 1500Cigar_dif - 1500 x 1500Paper_cigar - 1500 x 746Tag - 1500 x 937