The majority of what you're paying for when you buy this product is not a mesh, but an ultra-high-resolution texture created with a photo-scan comprised of over 60 photographs. The resulting texture is 30 megapixels (7,500 pixels by 4,000 pixels), and it is UV mapped onto a 15 foot by 8 foot plane. The texture resolution is 500 pixels per foot, or 250,000 pixels per square foot, giving enough detail for close shots. It has also been edited to be seamless in one direction, allowing the road to be repeated over a distance.
The scene in Blender is set up with an example curve, the appropriate modifiers, and a material for micro-displacement. For intermediate/advanced users, everything should be self-explanatory. If you're new to Blender, or something seems hard to understand, please don't hesitate to message.
The download includes: