The model is 2 kinds of streetlights: single and double. It has been originally created with solidworsks and the exported to 3Ds MAX and then materialized and rendered there.The solidworks parts include:
The Pole Base and Concrete Foundation
The Pole
The Pole Arm
Lamp Top
Lamp Frame
Lamp Glass
Pole Arm Holders
2 Sets of Bolts and Nuts
Solidworks files also include 2 assembly file one for the single streetlight and one for the double..The model includes almost all of usable formats:
.......The model is rendered and materialized in 3Ds MAX and Corona renderer. If you have corona installed it should work all fine as soon as you open it, but if you don't I have included all the material assets you need and they are easy to make in any renderer. . I have tried to export the model in as many formats as I could, but if you need something specific you can get in contact with me and I will help you. . . . . . . ********** If there are any problems please contact me.*********