A small town made entirely out of my imagination, it contains over 20 different buildings, including markets, shops, and other commercial places, with a few containing custom made signs and textures made in photoshop. There is some vegetation variety, that includes five types of trees, two types of bushes, grass and dried grass. The town includes a welcome sign model with custome textures, electricity poles, street lights, in form of light poles and hanging lights, some flags and banners, trash cans, fences, water tanks, satellites, emergency stairs, and a very simple bridge and a very simple roundabout, and a life saver, a bartizan with a sign with the beach warning flags, there is also some props inside the shops, like surfboards, neoprine suits, boxes, fruit, a blender, etc. All the meshes are low poly, and the uvs are cube proyected, the models in the .obj are separated by buildings, vegetation, terrain and props. The terrain is the only high poly thing because i needed it that way for the particle system (the grass) to be well distributed. Inside the dream export.blend file there is a nice procedural water material that you can see in the thumbnail, that makes the water closer to the coast look more transparent.
Textures are contained inside the zip file and some of the buildings use the same texture with a hue shift inside the blend file to change the color.