Made in Cinema4D R19
This is the next improved version of the old model which was made in R16 earlier. Some details were added, some were improved and textures were remaked. Please check my other models which will be improved soon.
Only the FBX files in FBXseperated.rar are individual pieces. Other formats have the pieces all together.
RMarkers(source).C4D is the main file for Cinema 4D users. 47 objects are placed as groups in this file. Polygon selection is used in textures.
RMarkers(formats).C4D is the baked file. 47 objects are placed as groups in this file. Baked materials are available.
RMarkers(formats).FBX is the baked file for other softwares. 47 objects are placed as a group in this file. Baked materials are available.
RMarkers(formats).OBJ is the baked file with MTL files for other softwares. 47 objects are placed as groups in this file. Baked materials are available.
RMarkers(formats).DAE is the baked file for other softwares. 47 objects are placed as groups in this file. Baked materials are available.
If you want to use these files just download the needed format and the TEX folder together.
FBXseperated.rar has an 47 individual road patterns in FBX format.
If you want to use these files just download the needed one and the UVTEX folder together.
Cinema 4D source file has its own C4D textures on objects.
Other formats are baked models and have good UV maps and materials on them. Materials are supported by 1K to 2K image files. No PBRs.
47 objects (TOTAL)
2,022 polys (TOTAL)
2,116 points (TOTAL)
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