MMCite Street Furniture: Geomere Bus Shelter Collection: 3 Models
Modeled to Scale and dimensions. Imperial DimensionsDimensions: 14'-0' L x 5'-8'W x 8'-5'H
Made of: Steel structure, tempered glass, Angled Glass Roof, glass panels on rear and Side, with side billboard signage.
Modeled in 3ds Max and rendered using Vray and HDRI lighting, HDRI not included.-Wood Maps Included-All objects grouped into a single group for easy scene movement-Object set to 0,0,0 Axis-Perfect for any outdoor scene renderings-Billboard Sign included, sign can easily be replaced-Each model also comes in:, DWG, FBX, OBJ, MTL, 3DS
$11 savings by purchasing collection, Each one can also be purchased separately:
Geomere 300 ($20) 3,901Vertices: 2,903
Geomere 310a ($20) 4,899Vertices: 3,663
Geomere 310b ($20) 4,766Vertices: 3,499
Happy Modelling, Enjoy!!