Japanese L-shaped gutter Street culvert Type 2L-shaped gutter Street culvert Type 2 (W700×H320×D600)L-shaped water collection lid, grating, drain, etc.
Please use freely within the scope of the agreement
-Contents-The data file is compressed in Zip format.・max.zip---road_Lgaikyo_scene_2gata.max
・export.zip---road_Lgaikyo_scene_2gata.fbx rroad_Lgaikyo_scene_2gata.obj road_Lgaikyo_scene_2gata.blend 3.3
software:max2022 Vray5 Polygons 23458 Vertices 24780Export:FBX obj blender3.3
-About copyright, etc.・ The copyright of this model belongs to Tsuu.・ You are free to modify this model.・ You are free to divert the parts of this model to another model.・ Credit notation is optional when using this model.
-About commercial use・ Available for both commercial and non-commercial use
-Prohibited matter・ Redistribution and sale of the model and texture data of this model data itself・ Prohibition of use for the purpose of slander to specific individuals or groups
※The English text is a direct translation of the following Japanese by Google Translate.