oviet booth, version without dirt and rust. The door can be opened as a separate object.
Dimensions: 84x84x228cm
faces: 8.071 verts: 9756
The objects have three texture-sets and universal metallic PBR materials (suitable for any modern render engine)
On the payphone Non-ovelapped UV and 1K PNG textures: BaseColor, Roughness, Metallic, Normal.
Other payphones, as well as fullres 4K textures for them, can be found in my models.
Overlapped UV AND 4K textures on the booth. BaseColor, Roughness, Metallic, Normal, Opacity/Refraction (for glass)
Pivot on the floor in zero coordinates, system units - centimeters.
*Vray 6.2, Corona 7.0 and later
*FBX in two versions: with and without object binding.
*when importing from FBX, make sure that input gamma=1.0 (linear/non-color) for all textures except base_color.