Race Track Modular Construction Kit low-poly 3d model ready for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), games and other real-time apps.
ENGLISH:High quality racing modular build kit.It offers beautiful visuals according to the number of polygons in detail and quality.
Excellent quality for gaming and VR projects.It is completely low poly and you can use it easily in your projects.
All models are compatible with one and are tileable.With the logic of a snap point puzzle to connect to one or a nice racing map will be enough to make.
-10 environmental equipment.
Materials and textures are included in the package.
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Yksek kaliteli yar modler inaa kiti.Detay ve kalite olarak polygon saysna gre gzel grsellik sunar.
Oyun ve VR projeleri iin mkemmel kalitededir.Tamamen low poly olup, projelerinizde rahat bir ekilde kullanabilirsiniz.
Tm modeller bir biri ile uyumlu olup tileable (tekrar edilebilir) yapdadr.Snap noktasndan puzzle mant ile bir birine balamanz yada dizmeniz gzel bir yar haritas yapmanza yeterli olacaktr.
-10 evre ekipmanlar.-8 yol eitleri.-1 pitstop
Materialler ve Textureler paket ierisinde dahildir.
ndirme seeneklerinde:-Direk unity'e atp kullanabileceini .unitypackage-Her platform ve oyun motorunda kullanabileceiniz FBX ve 3ds-3dsmax 2015 ve st uyumlu .maxFormatlar mevcuttur.