!!You can see the polygon numbers in the descriptions!!
Cinema4d R25 (advanced render) ready to render with texture and materials and lights
3DSMAX 2016 (with standart textures )
FBX (with standart textures )
BLENDER 2.83 (with standart textures )
OBJ (with standart textures ) maybe scale problem
DAE (no material and texture only model)
Originally modeled in cinema4d R25 and rendered with advanced render with ready scene
only native file ready to render cinema4d R25 advanced render !!
models are grouped.
in exported formats standart textures are coming !!
blender,3dsmax and fbx with standart texture
max , c4d , blender screenshots are available in photos.
Cartoon Football Stadium Polygons : 13346
Cartoon Football Stadium vertex : 13996
Cartoon Basketball Court Polygons : 10430
Cartoon Basketball Court vertex : 11066
Cartoon Tennis Court Polygons : 16656
Cartoon Tennis Court vertex : 17482
Cartoon Park Polygons : 8357
Cartoon Park vertex : 8547