Detailed model made based on one of the drawings of Sant'Elia.
The model represents one of the draws made by Antonio Sant'Elia in 1914 for the Cittá Nuova New city. In this case it is a terraced building with external elevators and it was part of the exhibition of the Nuove Tendeze group, of wich he was a member. Sant'Elia died at 1916 when he was only twenty eight years old, however his drawings influenced many architects and designers along the time.
All objects have his axis at the same place and situated at the origin point of Z.
Max version include two files, one with scanline render setup and standard materials and other with mental ray lights and materials. Also a camera with settings and correction modifier is included in order to render a similar view of original drawing.
No cameras and light setup in 3DS, OBJ and FBX files.
PDF file with instructions is included.