FULL CGI 3DS MAX VRAY 3D model. The project is a modern office building.. This model contains 3ds Max 2020 scenes/cameras ready for render in vray like you see in renders/screenshots, with the same render settings and lighting. 3ds Max native and exported to FBX, RHINO & DWG (Without textures in these exported files). ZIP folder contains HDRI and textures. Feel free to use this models in your architectural and urban planning projects in different file formats. You can practice and learn about the scene, lighting, render setup, camera and environment.
You can contactme by inbox if you have questions about the workflow and scene.
Ubicacion Torre BBVA Bancomer, Jurez, 06600 Mexico City, Federal District, Mexico
Diseo Arquitectonico LegoRogers (colaboracion entre Legorreta + Legorreta [ahora LEGORRETA ] + Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners)
Area 188777.0 m2 Year: 2022