This model will be awesome to my Disney Collection.
Thank you.
Tamina: Dastan, where's the dagger?Dastan: Here it is.
Hey everyone
Whats inside this Once you purchase you will recieve a zip file in which you will get several 3d files like fbx,obj,gltf,stl,dae, and blend...
This model is dedsigned in blender 2.91 and rendered in cyclesthis model has a seperated cap opening and it comes with glass storage in which the time sand is stored (according to the movie)..Properly clean mesh NO overlapping faces , 100% pure model
I had not worked more on the lightning , i has just used a basic HDRI which you can download from hdri haven.
Just import the model in your viewport with suitable file format and use it in your project like gamedesigning or project animation.