The Graveyard creation kit contains 73 high quality 3D models, allowing you to build an amazing stylized cemetery in no time!Main assets polycount:
9 pieces totalpolycount 15871
Gargoylepolycount 3971
Treetallpolycount 17767
Treetall no leavespolycount 2539
Treeshortpolycount 8546
Treeshort no leavespolycount 2206
Shrinepolycount 5566
5 graves 2 basestotal polycount for all 5283
Brazier and standpolycount 1118
Mausoleum Roundpolycount 7840
Mausoleum Squarepolycount 3822
Fence Modularpolycount 759
Tilable Textures included in the pack:-Bricks-Dirtclumps-Fence-Gatearch-Grass-Grassdirt-Grassleaves-Roof
-Wallbase256*256 to 2048*2048 depending on the modelDiffuse, normap, specular, gloss, heightmap, emissive maps depending on the model.Formats-FBX-3Dsmax 2012 -Obj
Tilable Textures:BricksDirtclumpsFenceGatearchGrassGrassdirtGrassleavesRoofWallbase
All Specular, Height, Gloss and emissive textures are 50% in sizeOpacity are alphas all on the Diffuse textures.Texture list:(based on diffuse/normal sizes)
Ash 256x256Brazier 1024x1024Bricks 1024x1024Candles 512x512Cutout 512x256Dirtclumps 1024x1024Door 1024x1024Fence 512x1024Fire 512x256Floorblocks 1024x1024Gargole 1024x1024Gatearch 256x2048Gatebase 2048x2048Gatecliff 2048x2048Gatetop 2048x2048Gatetrim 2048x2048Grass 1024x1024GrassDirt 1024x1024Grassleaves 1024x1024Grassplanes 256x256Graves 1024x1024Gravesdirt 1024x1024Roof 512x512Smoke 256x256Tree1 1024x1024Tree1branch 512x512Tree2 1024x1024Tree2branch 512x512Wallbase 512x1024Walltrims 1024x1024