In this new edition I have decided to make more unique and diverse designs since the two previous editions were derived from the same module I wanted to give more variation to this new collection C.With a more industrial and less rustic style this collection is based mainly on 45 degree angles and symmetrical structural profiles achieving a more aesthetic view combining metallic and plastic materials with highlights in green tones which when coexisting with neutral colors can be changed by the tone you want.As a reference I have used the concept art of Halo, Dune, and the Alien saga, for the first time I integrate PBR materials not unique by geometry that is included with the model a small collection of 6 tileable materials which are shared with all models thus being a lighter and more efficient file.
*File version 3.3.1 - Final file weight 74.90 MB*
*This product contains*- 6 Scifi Pillars
_Notes: it is recommended to use the .blend file which has the materials embedded so it is not necessary to download the resources folder.
The materials are applied in triplanar form and the 3D models do not have the uv unwrapped.
Geometry: Triangles 152, Quads 90.5k, Polygons 5k, Total triangles 252k_