IMPORTANT: It requires UNITY 3D!! I don't give support/help for others 3D engines (UDK, CRY ENGINE, CINEMA 4D, MAYA...)
NEWS: URP Update!
With 3D Scifi Kit Vol 3 (for Unity 3D), you will able to create nice scifi interior or exterior levels for your games!
You need a level for a spaceship scene ? a moon base ? You can use it for topdown or FPS projects. The kit is a large set of meshes pre-configured prefabs (with sounds/particles etc) you will find more than 200 FBX meshes, and a set of more than 300 prefabs.
The kit has NOT been optimized for tablets but for pc and mac. The atlased texturesare optimized and provided in 8k size to keep a very good quality on pc and mac. The flat textures are provided, to help you to make your own. This version is a full PBR version, diffuse, normal,ao,illum,flat, and metal maps are provided.
Creating rooms, corridors or exterior levels with the kit, is very easy! The example map is provided with the pack.