All you need to make your own lunar modular base. This product contains a large 4 square kilometer lunar landscape with various example of premade modules, solar fields, rocks and props.
Modules have exterior and interior areas. The project includes a showcase map with additional explanations and easy to follow steps to create your own modular habitations. The modular set is using a texture atlas which is fully customizable through a material instance.
Technical DetailsFeatures:
Features 5.0:
/!\ Meshes using transparency or complex shaders do not support nanite (including large rocks, modular assets with pom decals and water tank)
Texture Sizes:
Number of Unique Meshes: 102
Number of Textures: 150
Collision: Yes, automatically generated + custom
LODs: Yes
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 102
Texture Resolutions: 4kx8k, 4k, 2k, 512, 256, 64
Supported Development Platforms: Windows