Retail building, Store. Outlot. Strip Mall. L-Shaped Outdoor Strip Mall
Perfect for a liquor store, Grocery Store, cell phone store, restaurant and any other retailer.
Building has potential for 4 separate stores or other combinations. Tan brick and Corrugated Metal Panel Accent façade. Included with model is front sidewalk, side parking lot, side sidewalk for street connection, rear sidewalk and doors, everything shown in rendering-3D model of a strip mall/outdoor Mall with tenants as shown in renderings
-Modeled to Scale and dimensions: Imperial Units: Building: 115'x96'x17' H, Entire Model Site: 164' x 96'. About 6,912 square foot building.-Building Polygons: 64,858, Vertices: 66,713-Site Polygons: 1,213, Vertices: 1,348
-Signage included-Monument Sign Included-Sidewalks, grass, curbs, road, and 'no parking' signs included.-Interior has acoustical ceiling tile and demising walls but nothing else.-Road has oil marks on it, curb, and parking spaces. Grass has a subdivision on it to show the 3d grass.-Model objects all grouped into groups for easy scene movement, 1 group for site, 1 group for building.-Model set to 0,0,0 axis-Modeled in 3ds Max, Rendered using Vray and HDRI sky. HDRI map NOT included.-All textures included in Zip File, textures may need to be relinked.-Site is modeled so it can be expanded on with other buildings, this will be part of a set of other street buildings.-Please note model was made in 3ds Max and other provided formats have not been tested in other software and may need modifications, buyer is responsible for corrections into other software, reach out for assistance as required.
-If you like the model and would need it in different materials/finishes please feel free to reach out.
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