This model is based on real bouncy inflatable castle, with real world dimensions.
It is suitable for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), games, other real-time apps or just in usual rendering.
Created in Blender, tested in Unreal Engine 4.21.1.
Number of faces: 6452 (only quads) Number of triangles : 12 904 Number of vertices: 6446 (8225 in UE4)
Real world dimensions: approx. 4,09m x 4,11m x 4,06m
Textures are 2048x2048 all in jpg. Metallic/Metalness workflow used. Also specular texture included. Textures: base color metallic roughness normal ambient occlusion (AO) specular (named as plugs in shader in Unreal Engine, or in Blender)
Note: Be sure to use textures (mainly roughness and metallic) except base color as non-color data
to avoid strong reflections.
In Unreal Engine uncheck sRGB in texture editor. Appearance depends on Your lighting.
Preview images have been rendered in Blender Cycles and Unreal Engine 4.
Model has been multiple times checked and rendered. In spite of that if You have any problem with it or just have any question, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Thank You for your prospective purchase.