Important note: This blender scene contains light linking which is not supported in the Blender versions below 4.0The file will open without the light linking feature, from the version 3.6 and above but not below, where you can benefit from the animations, scene setup, camera motion and materials.You can download the 3d object alone from the available formats with the attached textures.Note that the glass material is for blender users only, for other softwares you will only benefit from the raw 3d model, so this project is mainly targeted for Blender users for the 4.0 + users.Overview:Valentino perfume BORN IN ROMA UOMO PINK 3d model and Blender scene.This project is a production ready project done for my 3d motion graphics agency CURVEON STUDIOS, you can download, explore and use it as you like.In this project, we made sure we get smooth animations and scenes transitions, good lighting and scene composition.Rendered with CYCLES- AGX color management ( included in BLender 4.0 )Eventhough, .fbx - .obj - .usdc are available, the materials and textures and overall experience is designed to be best for belnder user by installing the blender scene file.