Hello every one . I am sorry that I did not upload any models yesterday , but I am sure that I told you that I do not upload products dailey , and yesterday I visited two places , first I visited my evil grand mother of my father and I solved the problem of the premiums , actually I found it solved and there are only two premiums and she paid once and the other one she will pay too and she also said that she will not buy any bed sets again because this one she bought was with the old price , that mean it was cheaper and the last one so all the others will be so expensive and she will not buy .
At night I visited my other grand mother of my mother , and we returned to the house late so I prefered to play a game and watch a movie , and I did , but today I have some thing of the Egyptian legacy , I do not know if it was since the ancient Egyptian buildings but I know it is old enough , it is the pigeon's tower , it is a place where the people raise pigeons as you see in some pics .
This is so joyful , even those who are not interested in raising animals love pigeons , and loves those pigeons towers because training and raising pigeons is so god custom and activity although it is a little bit hard because the release the pigeons and let it fly in the sky and return back to the owners but it is hard to train them to know their own places , also feeding them is hard and requires knowledge about when must you put the food to them and when to pull it back because although the pigeons are so pretty , they are also so greedy that they will eat until the one of them be as heavy as the duck and will not be able to fly .
There asre some other things like cleaning and purchasing the stuffs for them some plats to feed and some plats to let them lay eggs in it , and when you purchase a pigeon you must purchase a pair , one male and one female and you must keep watching them to make sure that they breeds and this must be expected by some actions of the pegions need some knowledge too .
Actually I am not expert in raising pigeons so I will not talk so much about it , but you have a good products now .