2020-03-02 21:36:04 UTCbanicatom
Just what is needed to begin a medieval scene!
51 models! (17 unique + LOD stages) with textures in tga format, ready to use in your 3D work.
Buildings have up to 4 LOD stages included! Color, spec, normal maps included!
LOD1/LOD 2 - 4/Materials:
3rdfloor 450/ 410, 174, 40/ 1barn01 612/ 584, 272, 40/ 1Barrel 284/ 156, 76/ 1Barrel_damaged 514/ 344, 76/ 1Canopy 124/ 108, 8/ 1crate02 172/ 60, 12/ 1crate02damaged 176/ 60, 12/ 1dormer01 100/ 76, 22/ 1dormer02 148/ 104, 28/ 1house01 2294/ 1569, 292/ 1house02 6009/ 4320, 607, 416/ 1oriel01 128/ 92, 32/ 1oriel02 120/ 92, 32/ 1rope_cloth 200/ - /2scrap_pile 1502/-/ 2wheel 652/ 560, 56/ 1wheel_damaged 590/ 494, 68/ 1