High-Quality Game-ready watchtower set consist of 11 unique assets with LOD's and collisions. You can create more than 20 unique watchtowers. Ready to use In Unreal and Unity engines.
1 tower ( 15968 tris ) / 4 fences ( 01 - 1632 tris ; 02 - 356 tris ; 03 - 464 tris ; 04 - 336 tris) / 6 platforms ( 01 - 806 tris ; 02 - 1684 tris ; 03 - 787 tris ; 04 - 1010 tris ; 05 - 2562 tris ; 06 - 3846 tris)
Each asset has LOD's and Collision model
Included setup Unreal engine assets with materials and LOD's
PBR (Metallic Roughness ) / PBR (Specular Glossiness ) / Unreal / Unity ( Specular ) / Unity (Metallic) textures. Normal - DirectX
OBJ and FBX objects (assets, LOD's, collisions). Maya (2018) / 3DMax (2020) / Blender (2.90.1) scenes
rendered in Marmoset. Screens form Unreal Emgine / Maya / 3DMax / Blender