Great model!!
ThisChinese Supernatural beast PiXiu model is a part of Chinese collection. ThisChinese Supernatural beast PiXiu or dragon is a mythical creature in East Asian culture with a Chinese origin. Optimized for the medium resolution render medium shots. High exact and realistic proportions. Ready for turbosmooth.
Geometry :
PiXiu: 20486 poly ; 20889 verts ;
ground: 1 poly ; 4 verts;
Map channel : channel 1 is unwarpuvw
channel 2 is uvw mapping box
Texture :
1 texture Pixiu_fray_mask.jpg 2048x2048 is use Map channel 1 for Blend Material 's mask.
There are 3 textures use Map channel 2
PiXiu_Normal.tif Normal 2000X1500
PiXiu_BumpRough.tif Additional bump 2000X1500
PiXiu_Specular.tif Specular color 2000X1500