Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered Shipment Map

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered Shipment Map Low-poly 3D model


In many ways this is a improved version of the original map.Textures generally look so much better than the original one.I created every object to be game-ready and low-poly so they will fit smoothly if you are creating a game or just a scene/animation. Map comes with various meshes that you might want to use in your other projects so this asset fulfills your future needs too.

Low-poly objects and other assets inside the map:

-Containers in 3 different colour with same high quality textures in each one

-Containers modified to be used as a gateway

-Garbage Containers that have mid quality texture

-Garbage Bins (poorly designed) which have high quality texture

-Wire Net (poorly designed) that has the same texture in garbage bin

-Two types of Oil Barrels with 2 different textures ( one is high quality other is low), type with low quality textures has 3 different colour

-Wooden Pallets varies from perfectly fine to damaged hard.All palets have same texture and there is only one type(colour) texture

-Deck Sheets with high quality rusty texture

-Node Configuration for ground which combines two textures according to changing hight

Read the full instructions before purchasing!

General Insturctions:I recommend you to purchase this asset if you are a blender user or know how to use blender.I had issues while exporting from my blend file so I only put the obj file. There might be problems with objects in the object file so if you are going to use only the .obj file, consider this before purchasing.Possible problems in obj files effects game developers too, if you are creating a game, you have to consider these risks too. If you are good at exporting, you can always export objects from blend file, blend file works fine.Some materials don't have normal/roughness/ao textures.They look and work great with blender but I can't guarantee what kinds of results you get with different platforms..obj file doesn't have a grass object but I put the fooliage textures so you can create grass in your platform.

Insturctions for Blender users:

Blend file has no problems so you can use it easily. You have to unzip the textures file and fooliage file then apply the textures in required materials. I divided textures file into sections so it will not be hard finding textures. Materials don't have complicated node setups which makes everything seem less scary if you are not familier with the shading tab. Particle System is hidden as default so don't get mad if you can't see any grass when you open the file.Just go to particle systems and make it visible by clicking on its icon. You can change the colour of containers and oil barrels easily if you want.Go to shading tab and play with the mix rbg node if you need to change the colours.

Instructions for Game Developers:Description might scare you but there is no need to scare or panic.I've already imported .obj file into Unreal Engine 4 and objects are fine.However some of them has bugs occured while exporting process from the blend file.You can go back to blend file and fix the problems by deleting faces or apllying solidfy modifiers.(It changes from object to object)If you can't solve problems just message me, I will send you the fixed models.I am not uploading them because I don't want people to download irrelevant files.For a good looking in textures,you need to be good at your software and lighting.Finally, if you import the file you will not get textures applied to their materials. You have to apply them manually.

Feel free to message me if you have any issues.

uzairali2021-02-19 18:29:27 UTC
Blender-Arcturus2021-02-19 19:55:08 UTC
It sure is and I enjoy playing in this map. It is kinda chaotic and spontaneous but always saves me from ghosts of a bad match.
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Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered Shipment Map
Royalty Free License 
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered Shipment Map
Royalty Free License 
Response 100% in 1.4h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Blender (.blend)18.5 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)16.6 MB
  • Textures 357 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 254,341
  • Vertices 127,460
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Mixed
  • Plugins used
  • Publish date2021-02-15
  • Model ID#2872928