5 3d volumetric Shaped Clouds. POLYGON and VDB Format.
3ds Max files is already included with the VDB data loaded using VolumeGrid from VRay and Coronarender engine.
All the shading and lighting its been already done. You can rotate or scale it to get the shape you want.
5 Shaped Clouds :
D-Winged Drogon
Yo do not need to simulate or other plugins! The models is easy to use.In the archive:
-3Dsmax 2014 (Corona + Vray) + OBJ and VDB format
Get VDB data ready to use in any 3d software (3dsmax, maya, houdini, cinema4d) You can tweak the look really easily by changing the density, color and shadows. And full description on Corona's website : https://coronarenderer.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/12000045276-how-to-use-the-corona-volume-grid-