rjh712021-07-22 15:48:58 UTCrjh71
3D Model of a Commercial Office Building. Limited Interiors Included (walls, doors, baseboards)Currently Modeled as a walk in Clinic
Can be customized for a office building, medical office, clinic, doctors office, bank, store or other functions.
Building materials Include Brick and Corrugated Metal Panel, Metal Coping, White Seamed Roof, Concrete Sidewalks, Grass, Concrete Curbs, Aluminum Storefront Windows, Wood Doors, Hollow Metal Doors, Parking Stripes, Oily areas over road.
3D models includes site, parking, building, Signage, road.
Modeled to Scale and Dimensions: Site is: 447'x 274'Building: 59' x 39' x 13' High, Ceiling Height is set to 8'-6"Building Polygons: 62,023, Vertices: 64,244
Signage Included and can be replaced or modified for any type of building use.Signage is currently: Polygons: 8,400 Each, Vertices: 4,212 EachWindow Signs Can be modified or removed.
Grass has a subdivision modifier for displacement map to make it look 3d: Site Polygons w. Subdivision: 16,071, Vertices: 8,620Site Polygons without Subdivision: 11,005, Vertices: 6,087
-Modeled in 3ds Max and Rendered Using Vray and HDRI Lights, HDRI Lights NOT included-Cityscape image used for window reflections, image Not Included-Building is Grouped into 1 group, Site is Grouped into separate group just in case you dont need the site.-All Objects named logically-Model at 0,0 Axis for Easy scene movement and locating-All textures Included in Zip File-Signage and Doors make up majority of Model Polygon and Vertice Count, all hardware on doors are included, including hinges, strike, lever, frame.-Please note model was made in 3ds Max and exported files were not tested in other software, some cleaning up may be required
Happy Modelling!!