Scene Made In Blender 2.81.Waterfall is not a simulationTree has 1 animation
Texture Detail:
Ground Texture: 4096*4096 (Diffuse,Normal and Height map).
Rock 1: 4096*4096 (Diffuse,Normal,Ao and Height map).
Rock 2: 4096*4096 (Diffuse,Normal,Metallic,Roughness and Height map).
Rock 3: 2048*2048 (Diffuse,Normal,Metallic,Smoothness and Height map).
Plant 1 Texture 2048*2048 (Diffuse,Normal,Metallic,Smoothness and Height map).
Small plants: 512*512 (Diffuse,Normal and Alpha map).
Tree Texture: Bark **1024*1024 (Diffuse,Normal,Ao and Height map). | **Leaves: 524*376 (Diffuse,Normal,Ao and Height map).
Poly count:
Verts: 1,796,126 | Polygon: 931,599| Tris: 1,620,383.
Exported: Dae *| **Obj *| *Fbx *| **Blend.
Check out my other models: Cgtrader.com/mohdarbaaz3