Use Scenes from erikyavrumyan (Rocks) and (Rock) to create high quality projects without all the years of experience it takes to get the small details right. We use photogrammetry scans for every scene to get you the most authentic renderings.
This Product contains 1 pavement box with displacement. Grass Assets are included - see below!
Every map is retouched and made tile able by hand. They are made to cover big areas in architectural scenes and are not designed for closeups.
If you dont want all the scenes you can buy them separately on our CG Trader store.
Created with Autodesk 3DS MAX 2021 and V-Ray 5.
All elements have clean topology, are low poly, and come with displacement (height maps), normal map, bump map, roughness map, AO map and diffuse map.
Diffuse: JPEG
Glossiness: JPEG
Reflection: JPEG
UV mapped
Use GRASS ASSETS to create high quality VFX projects.
This Product contains:
1 grass
6 walls (sides)
2346 stones
3 pavement tiles
The grass assets are easy to tweak and you can get short trimmed lawns or wild meadows.
This gives you outstanding and realistic rendering results for closeups as well as long distance shots.
Created with Maxon CINEMA 4D R18 // V-Ray 3.6 / Corona B1 and converted into max files with Autodesk 3DS MAX 2016 // V-Ray 3.6 / Corona 1.5
All elements have clean topology, are low poly, and come with diffuse map bump map, roughness map, glossiness map and opacity map.
Grass Assets 01: 2048 x 2048
Meadow Base 01: 1024 x 1024
Diffuse: JPEG
Roughness: JPEG
Bump: JPEG
Glossiness: JPEG
Opacity: JPEG
UV mapped
Tweak the diffuse map for different looks such as the color of the flowers or the grass itself - furthermore you can tweak the base material for different ground appearance and use displaced grounds to get realistic results.
Architecture visualisation, film asset, game asset, design and many more.
You can use the shader for commercial and non-commercial work and edit it to your liking.
None of the content may be redistributed without permission.
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We created this product to make your life easier and we want to hear about it.
If this product saves you time creating great VFX work, please share our site and name, give us a like, or write a comment.
You can also send us your work you created with our product and well share it!
Thank you very much & enjoy!
Cheers & Peace,
Your erikyavrumyan Team.