Only for Unity and Unreal game engines! With this package you will got 10 different 4 km x 4 km terrains, mountains, hills, desert, snow mountain. Natural shapes, different environments. All terrain use unique shader system. The view different from different distance. The first, very far view, rendering a baked color and normal map (8192x8192 pixels). The next step the baked color changed to splatmap controlled tiled textures. And from very close changed the UV for better view. Please see the video from these feautres. Also available baked ambient occlusion map for each terrain. The tiles, normal powers, distances you can setup on the materials.Details:-Terrain heightmap size: 4097x4097 pixels.-Baked maps sizes: 8192x8192 pixels.-Tiled textures sizes: 1024x1024 pixels. This package not include the water!
For Unity users: These terrains working with URP (universal render pipeline). For usage need the setuped URP and shadergraph package in your project!