Unbelievable !
**SPIKY Rocks - 3D Models PBR8k PBR MetalRough (TEXTURE 8192X8192 )
Technical Details: Texture Size: 8192x8192Textures for PBR Metallic Roughness The models are in real-world scale, and are Intended for game/realtime/background use.every rocks is different (in shape ):-
spiky rock one spiky rock twospiky rock threespiky rock four
There are texture maps included PBR MetalRough (Base color,normal map,Roughness,Metallic,Height, ) (8192x8192). The models have clean topologies, and are centered to world (0,0,0).
Please note that the background scene, lights and render setup are not included in this product.
Texture resolutions: 8192x8192
obj (Multi Format) Fbx ( Multi Format ) Blender**