Format: C4D/OBJFile size (unzipped): 571 MBPolygons: 4 999 359Vertices: 9 989 680Geometry: Polygonal Tris onlyModel size: 1000 mm x 1475 mm x 4.995 mmProjection: MercatorBase: Open
Height Map TIF 6110*8193*16b - You can use this map in the displacement channel instead of the polygonal mesh.Normal Map TIF 6110*8193*48b - Use this map to reveal fine details of the relief.Satellite Map TIF 8800*8193*48b Water Mask TIF 8193*11800*48b - Use this map for masking in the Reflection channel to get glare from the water surface.Pseudo-color Map 8193*11800*48b - Use this map to get elevation information based on the color shade.Boundary Mask TIF 8193*11800*48b - Use this map as a mask for your background.
Other models can be made on request.Modifications, conversion to OBJ, FBX, STL and other formats, more detailed models and better textures on request.