ROCK PACK 01: 16 Unique, high quality pebbles.
The pack includes:
16 OBJ files :10K polygons each with clean uv's.
16 OBJ files: Super low poly versions of the rocks for simulating.
A plane of relaxed points to instance the rocks on.
Texture Maps:
1 Diffuse Map : 8K
1 Bump Map : 8K
Ambient Occlusion Map : 2K x 16 in combined 8K Map
Edges Map : 2K x 16 in combined 8K Map
Normal Map : 2K x 16 in combined 8K Map
All rocks have the same surface name and share the same 0-1 uv space, so you only need one material.
Suggested workflows :
For long and medium shots: Import the rocks, import the points, add an instancer.For close ups or when you need the rocks to be laid out physically accurate: Import the sim geo rocks, do a sim, replace the objects, either on disk or by changing the path in your project file.
Get in touch:
If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email:
Also, if you use this rock pack and would like to share the results with me, please do :)
All the best,